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Home - TICA - The International Cat Association
The International Cat Association® (TICA®) is the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats and the largest registry of household pet cats and kittens. TICA was the first and now the world’s largest registry to allow household cats of unknown ancestry to compete for the same titles and awards as pedigreed cats.

Browse All Breeds - TICA - The International Cat Association
Learn about the fabulous felines that make up the 73 cat breeds recognized by TICA! Each breed of cat that TICA recognizes has a unique set of characteristics, mannerisms, and aesthetics. New breeds are occasionally recognized, and must comply with the TICA rules for new breeds.

Find a Cat Breeder - TICA - The International Cat Association
These are breeder listings for breeds of cats who have been accepted for the championship and are recognized as being eligible to compete in TICA sanctioned shows and eligible for appropriate titles and/or computation of Annual Awards.

What is TICA? - TICA - The International Cat Association
TICA is The International Cat Association, Inc.® and the world’s largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats. TICA was the first and is now the largest registry in which household pets compete for the same type of titles and awards as pedigreed cats.

SaphiresPride - TICA - The International Cat Association
Our cattery specializes in breeding TICA-registered, quality, affectionate cats, each with a unique personality. Embraced in a loving, family-oriented environment, our cats are socialized, healthy, and ready to become a beloved part of your family.

Kingmaine - TICA - The International Cat Association
Our cattery specializes in breeding TICA-registered, quality, affectionate cats, each with a unique personality. Embraced in a loving, family-oriented environment, our cats are socialized, healthy, and ready to become a beloved part of your family.

About TICA - TICA - The International Cat Association
TICA stands as the globe’s foremost genetic registry for pedigreed cats and household pets alike. With a consistent surge in registrations worldwide, our organization also witnesses a steady rise in membership, clientele, and catteries across all continents.

Kristiesragdoll - TICA - The International Cat Association
Our cattery specializes in breeding TICA-registered, quality, affectionate cats, each with a unique personality. Embraced in a loving, family-oriented environment, our cats are socialized, healthy, and ready to become a beloved part of your family.

2025 Membership Ballots - TICA - The International Cat Association
Election Results 2025 Membership Ballot Proposals Siberian Poll Results Persian Poll Results Maine Coon Poll Results

Find a Cat - TICA - The International Cat Association
Try to visit a cat show in your community. You can always find a calendar of shows being held, all over TICA’s world, by going to the TICA site ( While you are at the show, take the opportunity to talk to breeders of various breeds.



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