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US Social Security - British Expats
USA - US Social Security - Later this year I'll be applying for SS. Is it best to apply for online or in person?

Another Brit store in Phoenix - British Expats
British Gourmet Ltd., 7901 E. Thomas Road, Scottsdale, (480) 994-3837. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. I wish there was a decent butcher's shop selling traditional Brit meats in the DC metro area.

WTH... WEP? Really? - British Expats
Looked up my British State Pension and I have 22 years of NIC and looks like a projected GBP 137/ week, or GBP 7,125/pa when I hit 67. Pension A is projected at GBP10,000/pa, starting @65. Due to pension sharing with the Ex(who also lives in the USA now), Pension B, and C only amount to GBP 2,800/PA when I hit 65.

Europe - British Expats
Europe - Our hub for information about visiting, living, and working in European countries.

British Expat Discussion Forum
Welcome to the British Expats Forum. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. By joining our community you will be able to start discussions and connect with other British Expats around the world.

Live in USA, work remotely for UK Company - British Expats
So just to clarify as the first point seems to cause some contradiction. What was meant by "1. I remain a UK based employee subject to UK law & taxes" is that all the payments and taxes (done by the company) are done in the UK, to which I would file a P85 so I could avoid the majority of the taxes as I am no longer a UK resident.

Moving back or to the UK - British Expats
A forum for the discussion of visa/citizenship and GB passport topics related to British expats returning home with their families. (Please note: this section is NOT for the discussion of work related visas, nor for foreign nationals seeking to migrate to the UK.)

AJBELL New terms and Conditions - British Expats
USA - AJBELL New terms and Conditions - I just received a set of new terms and conditions from AJBELL This has been updated to include the condition 24.1 The account holder for a SIPP must be a UK resident for tax purposes at all times.

QVP - for engineering professions Saudi Arabia - British Expats
I am in the process of applying for a work visa and my profession is listed as Engineer. I was told that I am required to apply for Qualification Verification (QVP), the problem is they don't have verify engineering professions and I have been told to do this via the SCE Saudi Council of Engineers.

Church of England equivalent in America - British Expats
The Episcopal Church is what the Church of England in the colonies became after the unpleasantness of 1776. It is by its history the closest to the CofE, though in style many other churches in the USA may feel similar to what you were used to in Engl



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